Sunday, 5 January 2014

Virtual NewYork Flea Market

Virtual NewYork fashion District Flea Market 

VNYFD flea market every Friday till Sunday all stalls must be 100lz , all stalls must be filled by every Thursday and empty by every Sunday grab a stall today and avoid the rush open to all so if you got some friends looking have them contact us lm and guidelines below please contact martin glom or martina seetan inworld for a group invite to rez your items 

(1) All items must be removed by sunday 2pm failure to do so could result in your items being returned

(2) There is no adult related items allowed on stalls no nudity or explicit items if your selling skins all the naughty bits must be covered up etc etc.

(3) If you make some sales we ask that you consider donating to the sim we thank you for this and belive its only fair to help us to better promote you.

(4) All items must be set to 100lz to attract people nothing above or below 100lz but you can give free gifts any items not set for 100lz will be returned this excludes free gifts etc etc.

(full perm items can be set for any price they would originally be because they are full perms but you can give a discount or another free gift once you make a sale if you wish)

You can rez a sign and group joiner beside your stall also we wish you the best of luck in selling and we will help as much as we can with promoting your stalls

Grab a stall now click the link below to grab one inworld

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